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Unsettled Affairs of Women

Unsettled Affairs of Women

Exhibition | 4 December 2015 - 22 January 2016, 18:00

Exhibiting artists: Emese Benczúr | Eszter Biró | Borbála Blahó | Mária Chilf | Márta Czene | Marianne Csáky | Lili Cseh | Ágnes Eperjesi | Andrea Fajgerné Dudás | Viola Fátyol | Luca Gőbölyös | Viktória Hitka | Mariann Imre | Patrícia Jagicza | Patrícia Kaliczka | Zsófia Keresztes | Anna Kiss | Olga Kocsi | Zsuzsa Moizer | Ágnes Éva Molnár | Kriszta x-T Nagy | Noémi Páhi-Fekete | Eszter Ágnes Szabó | Hajnalka Tarr | Kata Tranker | Villő Turcsány | Ágnes Verebics

The group exhibition entitled Unsettled Affairs of Women focuses on the female actors of the contemporary Hungarian art scene. Through the curatorial selection that deliberately concentrates on emerging and mid-career artists of different genres the exhibition aims to examine the various aspects and tones of the so-called female/feminine artistic attitude. It also intends to highlight the complexity of the topic and the possible approaches that could emerge within this context.

While a thematic group of the selection has an elemental relation to gender issues and some sort of essential femininity, other works represent a more delicate and distinct attitude towards artistic processes. Through the juxtaposition and interference of the different artistic reflections and relations the exhibition provides a survey of the most relevant aspects of women's art while leaving the question open for further discourse.


Curator: Barbara Dudás, art historian

Vernissage: December 4, 2015, 6 p.m.

Opening speech by: Márta Patak writer, translator


Visiting hours: Monday to Saturday from 10 am. to 6 pm.

Free admission!


Institute of Contemporary Art - Dunaújváros, Vasmű street 12.




Performanszdélután és kerekasztal-beszélgetés

Performanszdélután és kerekasztal-beszélgetés
A Rendezetlen nőügyek című csoportos kiállításhoz kapcsolódó performanszdélután és kerekasztal-beszélgetés.


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