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Exhibition | 18 June - 29 July 2011, 19:30

In the 1990s the Institute of Contemporary Art – Dunaújváros organized the contemporary arts festivals named ARITMIA repeatedly. The central event of the one-day series used to be an opening of a contemporary art exhibition that was supplemented by contemporary music, literature and other programs. In 2011 the ICA-D organizes ARTITMIA again which is the only festival-type event of high culture in the life of the city of Dunaújváros.

The Institute of Contemporary Art Dunaújváros cordially invites you to the opening event of ARITMIA_2011.

Opening speech by Sándor Hornyik PhD., art historian, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Venue: ICA-D, Dunaújváros, Vasmű út 12.

Date: 18 June, 2011, 7.30pm


In the 1990s the Institute of Contemporary Art – Dunaújváros organized the contemporary arts festivals named ARITMIA repeatedly. The central event of the one-day series used to be an opening of a contemporary art exhibition that was supplemented by contemporary music, literature and other programs. In 2011 the ICA-D organizes ARTITMIA again which is the only festival-type event of high culture in the life of the city of Dunaújváros.


1.    The Knowledge of Material is the group exhibition of artists Gábor Áfrány (1971), Réka Harsányi (1981), Imre Lepsényi (1974) and Eszter Szüts (1973) which will be realized in the Uitz hall and the small gallery of the ICA-D. The artists are all young but are already considered as serious career starting artists who are Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA) students at the Doctoral Program of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. A part of the art works of the group exhibition refer to the history and the present of Dunaújváros, a city with special historical and architectural values. A second group of the works of art explores the possibilities of art and reflects on the situation of the artist-intellectual. The art works were created for the ARITMIA_2011 and have not previously been presented.  Gábor Áfrány and Réka Harsányi made video installations, Imre Lepsényi video and picture postcards and Eszter Szüts created a site specific installation. The latter artist also awaits visitors on the opening of ARITMIA_2011with culinary surprises.

2.     Marianne Csáky, the author of the solo exhibition titled Delete, lives and works in Budapest and Brussels. She spends longer times working, teaching and exhibiting also in China and Korea. She works with several media: photography, video, sculpture, drawing, installations and writing. In addition to fine art, she studied literature and cultural anthropology at the university. After graduation she studied multimedia design and video art.  Her works can be found in several galleries worldwide, including the collections of Arturo Schwarz in Milan, of Yoko Ono in New York or that of Gilbert Silverman in Detroit. Her video installation made in 2010 will be visible in the basement gallery of the ICA-D.



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