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Common interest, common concern, interest group

We welcome those individuals, organizations and businesses to join the Friends of the ICA-D who are interested in contemporary fine art and who are concerned with the success of the domestic artists and art projects at home and around the world and who, being community developers, are able to cooperate with each other for the sake of the ICA-D. The members of the Friends of the ICA-D are partners of each other and the ICA-D in the high standard realization of its programs.

Tax deduction

The Public Foundation for Modern Art has a prominently public benefit status. Thus, the support given to the ICA-D means a tax-deductible expense for the businesses in Hungary. About regulation and conditions read here.

What we ask for

In 2011 we ask for the help of the Friends of the Institute of Contemporary Art in financing the following projects:

A, Projects playing a significant role in the cultural life of Dunaújváros:

A.1, The continuous operation of Creative Charge, the artistic and at the same time educational program organized for the high school students of Dunaújváros, already running with great success.

A.2, The continuous operation of the art and culture history lecture series, organized for different age groups (lower and upper primary school pupils, high school students, adults). (belső link: az oktatáshoz: 2010-es előadások és az eredeti műtárgyas tervezethez)

A.3, For the continuous operation of guided tours related to the actual exhibitions.

A.4, The collection and systematization of the visual art treasures of Dunaújváros and their web publication for tourism and city image. A part of this is the Roman archeological material; city foundation and construction; socialist realism architecture, building sculpture and fine art; the history of the Dunaferr Steel Sculptor Workshop and the sculpture park; works of the contemporary fine and applied artists of Dunaújváros; the programs of the exhibition halls of Dunaújváros (Bartók House of Arts and Chamber Theatre, Munkás Cultural Center, Széchenyi High School, the galleries of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry); and contemporary works of architecture.

B.  Projects significant from the point of view of the domestic and international contemporary art world

B.1, The popularization of the contemporary art collection of the ICA-D in Hungary and abroad.

B.2, The launch of research and publishing projects related to contemporary art.

What we offer in return

The ICA-D provides the following services to the members of the Friends of the ICA-D:

A, For individuals paying the annual membership fee of HUF 50,000

1. Regular meetings and informal club life in the ICA-D where the continuous consultation and information giving on contemporary art, including the culture of Dunaújváros, develops. Significant artists, performers and professionals – all members of the Friends of the ICA-D themselves – come to Dunaújváros for these events.

2. We display the names of the Friends in the publication of the ICA-D (in press releases, on the website, in catalogues and other publications and also in the foyer of the ICA-D).

3. Invitation to the exclusive (VIP) guided tours and parties prior to the exhibition openings.

4. Electronic newsletter which contains much wider information than the open newsletter.

5. Counseling in the following fields:
- purchase of modern and contemporary works of art
- establishing a modern and contemporary collection
- handling a modern and contemporary collection
- supplying homes with modern and contemporary works of art

B, For corporate members paying the annual membership fee of HUF 150,000

1. Regular meetings and informal club life in the ICA-D where the continuous consultation and information giving on contemporary art, including the culture of Dunaújváros, develops. Significant artists, performers and professionals – all members of the Friends of the ICA-D themselves – come to Dunaújváros for these events.

2. We indicate the names and logos of the corporate members of the Friends in all publications of the ICA-D (on invitation cards, in press releases, on the website, on posters, in catalogues and other publications and also on the walls of the exhibition halls of the ICA-D).

3. Invitation to the exclusive (VIP) guided tours and parties prior to the exhibition openings.

4. Electronic newsletter which contains much wider information than the open newsletter.

5. On our website in the Friends of the ICA-D section, we make the websites of the businesses belonging to the Friends of the ICA-D directly available.

6. For the corporate members of the Friends of the ICA-D counseling in the following fields:
- purchase of modern and contemporary works of art as an investment
- establishing a modern and contemporary collection as an investment
- handling a modern and contemporary collection (survey, making database, cataloguing, editing website, organizing exhibition)
- supply business centers with modern and contemporary works of art.

7. Exclusive guided tours for colleagues or clients selected by the businesses.

8. For the corporate events of the business members of the Friends we ensure the exhibition halls of the ICA-D at a below-market rental price, and for prearranged date and conditions, within the frame of special agreements.

9. In case of a support that exceeds HUF 1,000,000 yearly, the donating member of the Friends of the ICA-D is due to a private service pack the content and conditions of which is liable to a special agreement.

C, The “lobbyist of the ICA-D” is a supporting group where those individuals or businesses can enter that carry out a significant and successful lobby activity for the sake of the ICA-D in both social and financial senses. A special agreement stipulates the content and conditions of the compensation depending on the effectiveness of the lobby.


January 2025előző hónapkövetkező hónap