Guided gallery tours at the Photo Biennial
Event | 1 October 2011, 11:00
You can visit the venues of the Photo Biennial with guided gallery tours. Walking from one gallery to the other, you will enjoy the special sightseeing with Marczi Nagy.
11am Institute for Contemporary Art - Dunaújváros
11.30am–11.45am Bartók Kamaraszínház és Művészetek Háza
12.15pm–12.30pm Dunaújvárosi Főiskola, A épület
12.45pm–13.00pm Széchenyi István Gimnázium – Szivacs Galéria
13.15pm–14.00pm Institute for Contemporary Art - Dunaújváros
14.00pm–15.30pm LUNCH BREAK
15.30pm–16.00pm Intercisa Múzeum
16.30pm–16.45pm Munkásművelődési Központ – Kassák Galéria
from 17.15pm Római kőtár: Announcement of results, Party in the Garden
18.45pm Biennial bus returns to Budapest